Current Projects

Current projects (External- The National Institute of Health)

1 U01 NS117284-01, Thippeswamy (PI), 07/01/2021 to 6/30/2026

Title: Saracatinib and 1400W Counteract Soman-induced Long-term Neurotoxicity

This project aims to optimize the novel investigational new drugs (saracatinib and 1400W) in soman rodent models to mitigate long-term neurotoxicity.  Grant value: $3,748,151

R01 NS133584-0A1 ,Thippeswamy (PI), 04/01/2024 to 06/30/2028

Title: Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration in a Nerve Agent Model. Grant value $1,376,926

R21 NS120916-01,Thippeswamy, T (PI), 05/01/2021 to 04/30/2024 (NCE)

Title: Mitoapocynin, a novel NOX2 inhibitor, Mitigates Nerve Agents-induced Neurotoxicity

The goal is to determine the neuroprotective role of a NOX2 inhibitor, mitoapocynin, in a DFP and soman model of neurotoxicity. Grant value $408,792

CCRP-SPP-20230501, Thippeswamy (PI), 08/01/2023 to 07/01/2024

Title: Product Development Plan (PDP) to inform Non-GLP ADMET and DDI for the preclinical development of 1400W, an inducible nitric oxide synthase, and in combination with saracatinib, a Src kinase inhibitor [parent NIH-funded project- U01 NS117284]

Industry Collaboration: AstraZeneca- Open Innovation award.

AZ provides high quality pure test drug (saracatinib) for our NIH -funded projects.

Recently completed NIH grants

1 R21 NS112779-01A1, Thippeswamy (PI), 03/01/2020 to 09/30/2022

Title:  Fyn Mediated Neuroinflammatory Signaling in Epileptogenesis and Epilepsy

The goal of this project is to investigate the mechanism of neuroinflammation mediated by the Fyn pathway using microglia-specific Fyn KD viral vectors in a rat kainate model of epileptogenesis/epilepsy. Kainate is an analog of domoic acid, a known marine toxicant that causes toxicity in humans (seafood poisoning) Grant value: $411,507

1 R21 NS110648-01, Thippeswamy (PI), 05/01/2019 to 04/30/2022

Title: Saracatinib Mitigates OP nerve agent-induced Long-term Neurotoxicity

The goal of this project is to investigate the neuroprotective effects of Saracatinib, a Src/Fyn kinase inhibitor in a rat DFP-model, and a limited proof-of-concept study in the soman model. Grant value: $418,542

1 R21 NS099007-01A1, Thippeswamy (PI), 10/01/2017 to 09/2020

Toxin-specific and symptomatic drugs, in combination with novel neuroprotectants, effectively counteract DFP-induced long-term neurotoxicity. The goal of this project is to investigate the neuroprotective effects of 1400W and diapocynin in OP toxicity. (Grant value: $416,706)


AstraZeneca Open Innovation Award

AZID 3519, Thippeswamy (PI), 09/01/2019 to 08/31/2026

AZD0530 Mitigates Seizurogenic Chemicals-induced Epileptogenesis/Epilepsy and Long-term Neurotoxicity- Supply of high-quality free drug (AZD0530)


Dean’s Faculty Fellowship – $60,000 to support research infrastructure   01/06/2019- 2021